Argentinian-Portuguese designer and visual artist.
His works range between interior architecture, setup settings, design of art objects, jewelry and costumes, painting and installations.
He has collaborated with prestigious magazines, newspapers and television channels.
Has organized exhibitions of artists and photographers, theater and dance shows contemporary.
Creator of several brands, has developed prototypes and graphics there of Argentina, Paraguay and Italy.
His research in painting and in the field of installations are centered on themes primordial and archetypical.
His work is to be understood as an investigation into the four elements of nature that i am the root of all things immutable and eternal; and transformation processes of the human being.
Color potentiality and energy, material vibrations and organic “textures” they are his intervention ground.
He has participated in numerous personal and collective exhibitions in Spain, Germany, Austria, USA, Croatia, UK and Italy.
Winner of the first painting prize “Lorenzo The Magnificent” (Florence Bienniale 2023).
He currently lives and works between Argentina and Italy.
Exhibitions made in Europe and United States:
2024 Ottobre. Roma. Italy 14/10 al 30/10. “I COLORI DEI SENTIMENTI” RAW. Biblioteca Angelica – Galleria Mostra Personale. Dipinti e Installazione Multisensoriale
Collaborazione di Niccolò Di Ferdinando ( ANTIFIGURE ) Traccia sonora. A cura di Francesca Barbi Marinetti
2024 Settembre. Milano. Italy 27/09 al 5/10: “LOOK AT THE ART” Contemporary Art Exhibition. Centro Culturale di Milano.
A cura di Jelmoni Studio Gallery
2024 Luglio. Roma. Italy 6/07 al 13/07. “AROUND ROME” International Art Exhibition. Arte Borgo Gallery. Biblioteca Angelica Galleria. A cura di Anna Isopo
2024 Maggio. Nazzano. Lazio. Italy 18/19/05: “ CHIAMATA ALLE ARTI”. Museo del Fiume. A cura di Guido D’Angelo
2024 Aprile. Barcellona. Spain 27/04 al 17/05. “PROSPETTIVA….FUTURO” Hub / Art. International Art Exhibition. A cura di Anna Isopo, critica d’Arte Martina Scavone
2024 Marzo. Londra. UK. 4-09/03. “TRANSPARENT AS A DRAGONFLY”. Bermondsey Project Space.
A cura di: Rita Carta Manias. Lesley Bunch. Anna Isopo. Martina Scavone
2024 Gennaio. Firenze. Italy 11/01 al 28/01. “I AM YOU” Accademia delle Arti del Disegno. Exhibition of the winner of the XIV Florence Biennale
2023 Ottobre. Firenze. Italy 14/10 al 22/10.“I AM YOU” “La Biennale di Firenze” Fortezza da Basso. Primo Premio Pittura: “LORENZO IL MAGNIFICO” A cura di Giovanni Cordoni
2023.Ottobre.Roma.11/10 al 28/10.”RITORNO AL BLU”.RAW.
Biblioteca Angelica – Galleria.
Mostra Personale.Dipinti e Installazione Multisensoriale.
Collaborazione di Niccoló Di Ferdinando (ANTIFIGURE).Traccia sonora.
A cura di Francesca Barbi Marinetti.
2023.Ottobre.Roma .05/10 al 18/10 “TRANSPARENT AS A DRAGONFLY” .International Art Exhibition.Arte Borgo Gallery.
A cura di Anna Isopo.Rita Carta Manias.Lesley Bunch.Martina Scavone.
2023.Settembre.Duvrobnik.Croazia.20/09 al 09/10 .”COLOURS OF LIFE” Palazzo Sponza .
A cura di Svjetlana Lipamovic.<
2023: Marzo. Venezia 08/03 al 19/03. “FRAGILITY UNVAILED” Palazzo Pisani Revedin Personal exhibition. A cura di Anna Isopo.
2023: Febbraio. Roma 04/02 al 20/03. “L’ATRA META’ DEL CIELO ”. Galleria La Nica.
2022 October. Palma de Mallorca Spain 24/10 at 5/11
Casa del Arte di Palma de Mallorca Illes Balears Spain
2PALMA 1.0 “– ArtBox. Project
2022 October. Rome (Italy) 14/10 at31/10
“HÙMUS”. RAW (La settimana di Arte Contemporanea) .Biblioteca Angelica- Gallery.
Personal Exibition .Paintings and Multisensory Installation. Collaboration of Niccolò Di Ferdinando ( ANTIFIGURE) in sound and editing.
Curator Maila Buglioni
2022 March 02/03 at12/03 Milano (Italy)
“MULTITUDE “.Fondazione Luciana Matalon.Personal Exhibition.Paintings.
Curator Anna Isopo.
2022 January 20/01 at10/02 Mantova (Italy)
“SYNESTHESIA ” Museo Francesco Gonzaga.
Curator Anna Isopo.
2021 November Miami Florida USA. 20/11 at 05/12
“SCOPE MIAMI BEACH “ International Contemporay Art Fair”
2021 October : Innsbruck (Austria) 28/10 at31/10
“ART INSBRUCK “ “International Kunstmesse”
2021 October Rome (Italy) 20 at 30/10.
“LUMINESCENZA ” RAW la settimana di Arte Contemporanea” Rome Art Week Biblioteca Angelica – Gallery..
Personal Exhibition .Paintings and sound video Installation . Collaboration of Niccoló Di Ferdinando(ANTIFIGURE) ( video and sound).
2021 September. Nazzano Lazio (Italy) 26/09
Riserva Naturale Tevere Farfa.
Curator Guido D’Angelo.
2021 September Nazzano Lazio (Italy) 26/09
Riserva Naturale Tevere Farfa.
“SEGNO E NATURA ” Laboratorio #Walking# Sketching.
Curators Guido D’Angelo e Lorenzo Cappella.
2021 Nazzano Lazio (Italy) 24 at 31/07.
Museo del Fiume.
Curator Guido D’Angelo.
2021 July Madrid (Spain ) 17 at29/07
Ateneo de Madrid- Sala Prado.
“INFINITY ART ”. International Exibition of Contemporary Art
Curator Anna Isopo.
2021 June Rome (Italy) 19/06 at 01/07 Museo Crocetti.
“DIALOGO TRA LE ANTITESI ” Protagonisti Contemporanei.
Curator Anna Isopo.
critics by art historian Laura Turco Livieri.
2021 June Rome (Italy) 10 at 22/06.
Ambasciata della Repubblica Araba D’Egitto.
“IN CONTEMPORANEA “” Arte tra sperimentazione e ricerca.”
Curator Anna Isopo.
Critics by art historian Laura Turco Livieri.
2021 May Roma (Italy) dal 17 al 25/05.
Palazzo della Cancelleria Vaticana
“TRAME CONTEMPORANEE” Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea.
Curator Anna Isopo.
Critics by : Cinzia Folcarelli
2021 Partecipation :” Annuario d’Arte Moderna e Artisti Contemporanei “2021 ACCA Edizione Roma Srl.
2020 October : Rome 20/10 at 31/10
“IL TEMPO SOSPESO ” RAW .”La settimana di Arte Contemporanea” Rome art Week
Biblioteca Angelica-Gallery
Curator Roberta Melasecca.
2020 October : Berlin. Germany. 02/10 at 10/10
Group Exibitions Contemporary Art .Mostra Internazionale di arte Contempotanea.
By Anna Isopo.
2020 September :Florence (Italy) 04/09 at 18/09/20 Museo Bellini.
“GENESIS ” Mostra Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea.
Presentation of Cinzia Folcarelli. Curator Anna Isopo.
2020 January : Venezia (Italy) .31/01 at 12/02/20
Centro d’Arte San Vidal ( San Marco )VE
ARTE A VENEZIA “Sguardi Contemporanei”
Mostra Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea.
Art critic : Silvia Previti.Curator Anna Isopo
Partecipation of :”Annuario d’Arte Moderna e Artisti Contemporanei “2020
ACCA Edizioni. Roma Srl.
2019: October Rome (Italy) 21/10 at 26/10/19
Biblioteca Angelica.Salone Monumentale
“DIMENSIONE PARALELLE “Installation RAW La settimana del arte Contemporanea Rome Art Week”
Curator Roberta Melasecca.
2017: October Rome (Italy) 09/10 at 14/10/17
Biblioteca Angelica.Salone Monumentale
“FUOCO ETERNITA SAPERE “ Installation.RAW La settimana del Arte Contemporaneo .Rome Art Week
2017: June Rome 29/06/17participation in “La Girandola” – Piazza del Popolo –
Curator :Francesca Barbi Marinetti.
2017: May Rome (Italy) 24/05 at 10/06/17
Biblioteca angelica Galleria.
“FUOCO O DELLA RIGENERAZIONE” Personal Exibition Paintings
Art critic : Barbara Martusciello / Adriana Almada.
2016: October Rome (Italy) 24 at 29/10/16 RAW La Settimana del Arte Contemporanea –
Rome Art Week Open Studio Courtyard of Art. Personal Exhibition Paintings.
2013: August .”LIQUIDA” . Port of the Argonauts. Province of Matera.Workshop Residence.Show.
2012: July Rome (Italy) .Piazza di Spagna “VISIONE 3”: INART.
2011: July .Rome (Italy) Piazza di Spagna “VISIONE 2” INART.
2010: July.Rome (Italy) Piazza di Spagna “VISIONE 1” INART.